We love the company we keep.

Maintaining great customer relationships with unparalleled professionalism, we’ve worked hard at Vision to develop such an established and high-quality customer base. Our products can be found across the globe in hotels, government buildings, and retail stores. We’re honoured to provide products and solutions to the most prestigious names in the world.

“We’re very pleased with the quality of the products that we get from Vision, Ethical sourcing is a  much bigger concern than it used to be. We’ve got confidence from Vision because we know the  level of quality control and attention to detail that goes on”

Chris Noel, Buyer, John Lewis

“I chose Vision as they are a trusted partner who I have used on my previous hotel opening projects.
What I find most attractive about Vision’s offering if their product choice and the great service that I have received when dealing with them.”

Hasham Soliman, General Manager of The Dixon

“I’d highly recommend Vision to others. It’s a very smooth process from start to finish; driven by the people behind the product who live the brand and the quality. They’re real brand ambassadors; they believe in and are passionate about what they offer.”

Frank Hörl, Regional Director of Azure Hotels Berlin