Hina Sabir
Customer Service Apprentice
Hina currently works in Vision doing a Customer Service Apprenticeship within our Customer Service Department, helping to place orders, sending out samples and helping customers with queries.
What made you want to join Vision as an apprentice?
I always wanted to do an apprenticeship as I found the whole concept interesting as it would enable me to learn to work in a real-life setting, as well as make progress and being guided on how to improve. My college offered me a traineeship and helped me to find one at Vision; after six weeks I was taken on as an apprentice.
I wanted to join Vision as I took Business Studies at school and was always keen to work in a friendly, office setting. When I came across Vision in my research, it really caught my eye and I knew it was where I wanted to work.
Describe your usual routine at Vision. What are your everyday tasks?
MA normal day for me begins at 08:45 when I start work. I start to process the orders coming through from the account managers or the procurement specialists. I also get all of the assigned samples, swatches and visit reports which I complete and send off accordingly.
I also cover the reception desk during my colleague’s lunch, from time-to-time, which has built my confidence in talking to customers over the phone and handling customer queries.
What do you enjoy about being at Vision?
I love how friendly everyone is. I have become very comfortable with my job role and I’m confident in my ability to do it well but I also know that if, at any point, if I had any queries, I would be able to ask my mentor or my colleagues and they’d be more than happy to help. Alongside the friendly atmosphere and banter at Vision, I also love the professionalism.
What have you learnt since being at Vision?
Since being at Vision, I have learnt so much. I know how to access and use all of the relevant systems such as the CRM and Access (Dimensions). I have learned how to place basic and complex orders, I know how to request and send samples and complete visit report tasks.
I also know how to complete and action orders which are completed via our dedicated customer portals.
How do you think apprenticeships can help those looking for a career?
Apprenticeships help people look at what they looking for, career-wise. Apprenticeships are useful because they give you an exact idea of the environment; many times a young person won’t really have an idea of what it’s like working in that kind of environment until they arrive in the workplace. Apprenticeships also help people develop the skills they need for future.
How has being an apprentice at Vision helped you to understand your career goals?
Being an apprentice at Vision has shown me what I actually want to do in terms of my career; it has given me a taste of working life and has shown me exactly what it’s like working in an office environment with different people, of different ages and from different backgrounds. It has shown me that I do enjoy working in a business environment and has helped me shape my own goals for future.
Would you recommend an apprenticeship for someone who is undecided? If so, why?
I’d recommend an apprenticeship as it helps you decide whether this is the right path for you. With an apprenticeship, you’re not thrown in at the deep end and you’re able to learn as you go along and experience new things each day. It gives you the opportunity to gain the experience whilst you study, whereas studying full-time wouldn’t give you the same opportunity.