Posted on Monday December 14, 2020
Vision Donates Face Masks to Help Fight Covid-19 Amongst Local Homeless Community
Vision has donated 2000 face masks to a local charity, The Greater Manchester Mayor’s Charity. This independent charity supports over 45 frontline organisations across Greater Manchester, all of whom are supporting people either experiencing, or at risk of homelessness.
Vision came across the charity’s Covid-19 Appeal asking businesses to help donate essential items to support the homeless community during this time of crisis. In seeing this, and in keeping with the company’s commitment to support programs to improve the lives of its associates and the communities it operates in, Vision contacted the charity to offer its help.
Earlier this year, Vision and their sister company WestPoint Group, began manufacturing reusable face masks. So far they have proudly provided and donated over a million Martex® Health face masks to the US military, the US government and frontline healthcare professionals, grateful to all the frontline and essential workers for their efforts and dedication.
With over 200 years of manufacturing heritage, and skilled in providing leading hospitality and retail brands with bed, bath and table linen, they have now repurposed their factories to produce the face masks and sell to businesses and the wider public.
Further details of Vision’s reusable face masks, designed for everyday use with a filtering inner layer and added antimicrobial technology, visit Or, to get involved in The Greater Manchester Mayor’s Charity Covid-19 Appeal, please visit