A statement from Vision Support Services Group Hospitality Sales and Marketing Director, Fraser Donaldson, regarding Brexit and its affect on the future operations of the company:

Vision Support Services has a truly global footprint. With operational sourcing offices in Dubai, India, Pakistan, Turkey and China and direct operations in the UK and Ireland, we are set to react to both the best or the worst case scenarios the United Kingdom will face both up to and following the Brexit from the European Union. Our supply chain, whatever the outcome of negotiations, will remain intact.

Vision Support Services acquired and retains the trading platform for Lissadell in Southern Ireland, which will remain in the European Union after the United Kingdom’s departure in March 2019. This means that we are confident that whatever Brexit deal is agreed, we have the fiscal, financial and operational set up to continue our relationships and textile supply chain with minimal disruption.

There is an element of “the unknown” for all businesses in the United Kingdom and Europe at present. We have seen currency fluctuations in the GBP, Euro and US Dollar. Vision has the capacity to buy and sell in all major currencies, allowing us to tailor purchasing to suit any commercial deal large or small and effectively compete in the UK, European and Global markets.

We would be happy to discuss any future proofing that any of our partners would care to put in place for their own commercial needs. We have recently supported forward orders covering both pre and post-Brexit time frames, negating any volatility in the currency and commodity markets Brexit may stir. Both our strategic partners and anyone with new commercial opportunities are welcome to discuss bespoke solutions to protect your textile procurement. Let our strength and set up support your business through the transition.

For more information on Vision as well as our products and services, please visit our online shop at https://www.visionsupportservices.com/shop/